All text, programs, products, processes, technology, content and other materials on this Site are subject to intellectual property rights reserved by Mahaved.

Advertisements on the Site are subject to B terms and conditions, available on request. The Site is intended for use by individuals and entities capable of forming legally binding contracts under applicable law.

Minors are not permitted to use the Site or its services. To reserve a room on this website, you must be at least eighteen (18) years old. If you are under eighteen, please contact us directly for assistance.

We gather personal information, including your name, contact information, email address, and all required fields on the registration page when you sign up with us. Additionally, we require all necessary documents and details to conduct business.

Our website utilizes cookies to differentiate your browsing activity from other users. These cookies are small files containing letters and numbers that are saved on your device.

The information gathered from the cookies may include details about you, your computer, your website interactions, and overall internet usage.

We gather details on your IP address, operating system, and browser type, if available. This information reveals users’ browsing behaviors and trends, which we use to enhance the website, manage systems, and provide aggregate data to third parties.

At our website, we prioritize safeguarding your information against unauthorized access, illegal processing, accidental loss, destruction, or harm. We also place great emphasis on protecting the privacy of minors.

As such, we do not collect or maintain data from anyone under 13 years old and have not structured any part of our website to attract this age group.

The internet is not entirely secure for transmitting information, which is regrettable. Despite our efforts to safeguard your personal information, we cannot assure you that your data or any other transmitted data will be secure on our website.

The transmission is entirely at your discretion. After receiving your information, we will employ rigorous protocols and security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

The security of your data during internet transmission cannot be fully ensured. Our utmost efforts will be made to safeguard your personal information, but we cannot guarantee its safety during transmission to our website.

Any transmission is undertaken at your own risk. Once we receive your data, we will employ rigorous protocols and security features to prevent unauthorized access.

Additionally, we never use or disclose personally identifiable data provided by you online for any purposes other than those mentioned above, unless you are given an opportunity to opt-out or prohibit such unrelated uses.

If you have any questions or uncertainties regarding our privacy policies, please feel free to reach out to us via phone at 1800 270 7897 or email. Our team is always available to assist you.